Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 153 – 9-7-2021 - Emptiness


It’s bad to feel empty, that’s what I’ve known,

In my travels inside myself, I am being shown,

That this is not true, it is by far much better,

To being in the void and knowing I’ve met her.

The truth of her is brilliant and also so bright,

It’s taken so long, going on this flight,

To “find” myself as I looked everywhere,

Then to see me so close in my heart, she’s right there!

For years and years, I have fought my heart,

I never believed I was worth anything from the start,

And the more I dug and got to release,

The lies I was told and those dug in beliefs.

The more I let go, the more I could see,

How much emptier I started to be,

But wait, being empty seems lonely and dark,

What is happening to me? Where is my spark?

It’s not time, my love, for you must wait and see,

That as you release and become empty,

New opportunities begin to arise,

That take the place of anxiety and lies.

With inspiration, God comes to the empty place,

And shines that spark for you and gives grace,

All that stuff I hold onto, those beliefs and patterns,

Leave no room for connecting to myself and what really matters.

For you see the emptiness deep within,

When it’s cleared out from the chaos, we get to begin,

To see ourselves for the truth of who we are,

Like the Universe and it’s emptiness, in between the sparks of stars.

We are tiny replicas of the galaxy,

You will find it everywhere inside you and me,

Just take a glance and know that when you do,

You will find out the amazing and glorious, that is you.

