Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 154 – 9-8-2021 - Sacredness


The more I heal, the more I feel,

The sacredness of me, how can that be?

I thought I was broken, and now I’m awoken,

The key to my heart, gave me a brand new start.

What is happening? Life was so maddening,

Not knowing where to turn, desperately trying to learn.

To stop the despair, nothing could compare,

To the depths of hell, I bid that farewell.

No longer the hunger, for a life asunder,

I’m coming to terms, where my life affirms.

Who I really am, no longer the scam,

Feeling judged by the world, when it was self-judgement that swirled.

It was all in my head, the voices I’ve dread,

I’ve moved into my heart, and now can restart.

Life is to be lived, there is so much to give,

The love I’m now feeling, there is no more concealing.

No more dread or despair, I am so very aware,

It is time to step out, and shine with no doubts.

Spread my wings and fly, it’s time now to apply,

All the things I have learned, my old self has burned.

To the ground in flames, like the Pheonix and I claim,

It is time to shine, my life is Divine.

