Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 127 – 8-12-2021 - Our Feelings Are Our GPS


Global Positioning System… huh? How is that?

How would our feelings be our GPS?

We are meant to have feelings, that is how we survive the world. The challenge is that we are taught to suppress them and that is actually not good for us. Instead, they are actually intuitive messages sent to us from our Higher Selves and all they are is Energy or E-motion, Energy-In-Motion.

“What? That is not true. They were meant to be stuffed down inside of us.” Even as children, we aren’t taught to express our feelings. Many times, our feelings are too much for the adults around us because they were never taught either.

So, what do we do?

I used to stuff my feelings a lot. When I felt angry, I was told it wasn’t nice for a girl to get angry or “don’t you get angry at me.” On the other hand, when I was little and felt sad, I wouldn’t know what sad was, but I would cry. Girls are taught, generally, that to cry when they are little is ok. Boys, not so much.

Anyway, the point I am trying to make here is this following list of feelings and why we have them. It is an interesting list to me and knowing why we are having the feeling is important in how we do and to do life.

This information came from a Self-Mastery Course I took years ago by the Holistic Learning Centers. It stuck with me in that now when feelings and emotions come up, I recognize them for what they are instead of stuffing them or crashing into them (sometimes I still crash, but I recover more quickly). It takes a lot of practice to relearn this if we have been taught to ignore them or stuff them. Feelings can also get stuck because of trauma.

I would highly suggest watching the movie Inside Out, a Disney film that accurately describes what some of these feelings are like and what to do with them.

Here is a list of 12 emotions that we can learn to work with as our GPS:

Emotion                               Benefit                 General Feeling (when emotion is not felt)           Emotional Block

Anger                                    Protect Boundaries         Betrayal                                                               Blame

Sadness                                               Endings                                Abandonment                                                  Depression

Fear                                       Warning                               Uncertainty                                                        Anxiety

Sorrow                                 Grief                                      Powerlessness                                                  Indifference

Frustration                          Persistence                        Dissatisfaction                                                   Judgment

Disappointment                               Detachment                       Discouragement                                               Indecision

Hurt                                       Self-Awareness                 Exclusion                                                             Self-Pity

Scared                                  Beginnings                          Hopelessness                                                    Confusion

Shame                                  Remorse                              Unworthiness                                                   Guilt


Unless we are willing to feel the emotion/feeling, we cannot heal. Everything in life is based on feelings/energy.

When we are little and as we grow up, if we are not taught to deal with and work with our feelings correctly, as a human, it causes many things such as the emotional blocks mentioned above and Physical illness. The longer we hold onto feelings, the sicker we get and when we decide to let them go, we begin to heal. The earlier the decision, the better because physical and emotional illness tend to get worse the older we get.

So, what I am trying to say here is that when we do the work to release old pent-up feelings, it opens up life force in the body. Feelings are meant to be felt and released. When the old feelings are no longer there, and new feelings come to us in daily life, we then can use our personal GPS the way it was meant to be used. Feeling comes up, we feel it and we release it and there is room for it to move out.

If we don’t do the work, every feeling that comes up attaches itself to an old stuck feeling and we get triggered and then… well I’m sure most of you know what happens when you get triggered.

I find all of this very interesting and here is the point. Today I was listening to Abraham Hicks and in the one I was listening to (and by the way this suggestion has been coming up for me a lot lately) it says that when we want to shift something in our lives and we want something, the only thing we need to do is feel the positive emotion we want to feel, to get what we want. Feeling positive feelings always raises our vibration and when our vibration is high, we bring to us what we want to happen. Mostly… Sometimes we don’t get what we want because it wasn’t for our highest good in the first place, it just looked like it was.

I am playing around with this idea/thought and if you have any thoughts yourself around this, let me know, I would love to hear them.
