Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 134 – 8-19-2021 - Planted Love


How can it be,

What is happening to me?

The feelings of grief,

Come up at night, like a thief.

In the morning when I wake,

Energy is meant to take,

Me into the day,

In a positive way.

So, what is going on, when I have low energy,

In the mornings, where it’s more like lethargy,

Trying to get going, only to find I need a break,

What is going on, for goodness’ sake?

The grief is coming through more strongly than ever,

To release it means I will need to sever,

The things inside that I held so dear,

That caused my pain to get bigger, I fear.

Why is this happening? I am letting go,

I am told this process can be very slow,

My ego’s job is to protect me so deep,

It seems it is even when I am asleep.

And when I walk through the grief anyway,

And cry and scream, or just shy away,

To protect my energy so I can heal,

It’s ok, really, that’s just the deal.

Right now, there are deep things I am just working through,

That my body that’s tired is helping me do,

To not go overboard and do too much,

Like I normally do and then get out of touch.

With the present moment, it’s time to lay down,

To let go of everything and just rest, is profound,

What it does for my body is help recognize me,

And take care of myself for a change, can’t you see?

Always worrying about how everyone else is,

Is not our job, not a good way to live,

It breaks us down, a little at a time,

Makes us feel bad about ourselves, this is not our design.

Who we are inside is a deep abiding love,

That we feel for ourselves and outward thereof,

When we know our truth and how our mind-body works,

To help us in life and walk the beautiful Earth.

Then when we heal and find who we are,

The truth lies inside and it’s not very far,

Just allow the healing work to be done,

Give yourself a break, it’s not about who won.

The only person who wins the game of life,

Is the one who realized it about the light,

That we shared with ourselves and then into the planet,

The love flows out to all, that love we have planted.
