Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 128 – 8-13-2021 - Glimmers of Hope
With all of the things that are going on in the world, we
are all deeply affected by them to differing degrees. Some of us know how to
handle it and some of us feel lost, stuck or confused or completely alienated
or attacked. I have been flitting back and forth through some of this in an
effort to stay centered. The thing is that I also have learned to feel ok with
the fact that I am not going to be centered, when things come up.
I can’t even begin to speak on what is happening because
what I also have learned is that when we put our energy and focus on something,
it makes it bigger and better (or worse), depending on what we are focusing on.
In this case, with so much anxiety in the world, we are feeding off of it with
each other.
Most of you know about the Law of Attraction. What some don’t
know is that even our sub-conscious mind, the parts that hold the memories
inside that we are not aware of, also attract things into our lives.
Keep this in mind – what we attract isn’t there to hurt us,
it is actually there to help us if it feels negative or positive. That really
doesn’t make is sound helpful, but just hold on, I want you to understand that
if we have been traumatized, have PTSD (physical or visual flashback) or
Complex PTSD, (which involves an emotional flashback), we are carrying sub-conscious
memories that are running our lives under the surface.
When we know about something, we can do something about it.
I say all that to say this. There is a Glimmer of Hope here,
even with everything going on in the collective consciousness. What that is, is
something we have absolute control over and that is our ability to choose. If
you want to see things change in your life, you must begin with yourself, and
YOU must make the choice to do so.
Our Choice is our Glimmer of Hope. Well, at least one of
them; I will begin here.
Not making a choice is also a choice. Nothing in life is
without choice.
What I am working through and watching in myself and in the
world is actually something that can be rectified, when we know how.
Raising our vibration through healing is a very important
part of the process. The direction you go in to find to do that is your choice.
Just know this… when you make the decision that you are done
with reacting to life and you are ready to shift and then choose to do so,
there is an automatic energy shift in your body that will happen. You don’t
have to believe it, just try to go with this.
In order to change the world, we must start with ourselves.
Find that Glimmer of Hope, the spark of light inside you that knows that there
is something better than what is happening.
Also, know that you are loved more than you will ever know.
It is hard to describe it, yet there is something about our Higher Power and
Higher Self that has been there loving us all along. Being able to finally
recognize this in myself is huge.
Anyway, just wanted to share that the hope is there, even
through the things that feel the worst and hurt the most.
One moment at a time; stay present, choose and your answers
will come in the moment.
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