Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 136 & 137 – 8-21 & 8-22-2021 - You Are Me & I Am You


I was going through some more secluded healing and alone time yesterday and decided to wait until today to see what came out of my meditations and rest. It was definitely an interesting day and I really learned and recognized a lot about my beliefs and how things were taught to me that turned out not to be true.

Someone once said to me “Question everything!” I took that to heart. I learned that my perception of reality is just as different as each of the 7.9 billion-ish people that live in the world. And if we all have a different perception from how we were raised and who we are, then how can we be made to believe certain, specific externals truths and follow institutional rules so blindly. When I did that, in my early 20s, it started messing with my head. When it was suggested to me to question everything, it began to change my life.

Now, these changes are bringing me to who I am seeing as myself, without anyone else’s impression, opinion or judgement. I am truly seeing who I really am and I really love her. She is cool, wild, smart, loving, compassionate, expressive, creative and bigger than life.

Guess what? We are all that way. We were not placed on this beautiful Earth to play small and follow the crowd based on a few people’s opinions, needs and desires for themselves to rule and control. That is not who we are. We are powerful, spiritual beings in a human body that we need to care for, mind, body and soul, to live in this life and love and be loved by others.

It is very simple, but it isn’t easy to realized this. The way in is to just choose. Make a decision and go for it. What do you have to lose at this point? Your mind? I’ve found that losing my mind is actually a blessing because it has connected me with my heart and my emotions and as I have talked about before, those are my GPS for my life.

Being stripped of old beliefs is changing the very essence of who I thought I was.

So, I hope you enjoy this poem that expressed from me today.

Old beliefs are being stripped away,

As I’ve been sitting alone recently for days,

What I believed about others and about me,

Stem from past teachings and I couldn’t see.

That most of what I’d been taught was purely a lie,

About who I am deep inside,

The lies when they are taught to us,

Well, we fit in, but then do not trust.

Ourselves at all, it’s like a tug of war,

What we see on the outside, just makes us abhor,

Who we truly are because we were never told,

The marriage inside is what we have and hold.

Peace and love begins inside,

Finding it there, there is no need to hide,

From all of the external insanity,

That mass consciousness is living, this cannot be.

How it really is, what is the truth?

When we realize this, there is no more abuse,

To ourselves, to others, to this planet Earth,

It is time now for a rebirth.

Recognizing who we really are,

Will transport us into the beautiful star,

We have inside that glows so bright,

Finding that truth, letting go of the fright.

The reason for fear is we don’t know who we be,

I am you and you are me,

Yet when we were born, we learned to separate,

And as we got older, individuate.

And that is ok as long as you know,

That being separate has been running the show,

The time has come to go down deep,

And no longer follow the crowd of sheep.

We are all beautiful in our own special way,

And coming to realize about myself this very day,

Is how to express myself so true,

Opening my heart and knowing you are me and I am you.


