Flight Chronicles of the Hummingbird - Day 11 – 4-17-2021 - Time on My Hands


Yikes, I can’t even begin to tell you what a crazy day this has been. It’s already 2pm and I am just now able to sit down and get to writing this entry.

This morning I got up a little later than usual so that put me behind on what I was planning to do today which was getting a few things done, organizing myself and my business after the retreat and taking a nice long walk on a trail.

I did manage to get a mile or so in this morning and I had an incredible walk. I connected with my energy, with Source and with the world. It felt so good.

And then, just like the emoji with the head blowing off the top, I felt like I wasn’t accomplishing anything. It took me an hour and a half to finish a project that I wasn’t even planning on doing that I thought would take 10 minutes. I started to spiral and was able to catch myself before going to far.

Lucky for me, I was just lying to myself; I decided to just surrender and accept the situation at hand and worked through the feeling.

Now please understand that this is not normal for me. In the past, I would basically have a meltdown. I would get angry, start pacing and panic that I wouldn’t get everything done.

Today, told myself everything is good, moved some things to tomorrow, and just surrendered knowing that I would be ok.

So here I am now with plenty of time to finish things and still have time to take that walk later after I re-scheduled my day out.

Some days just include opportunities to connect with ourselves on this journey and just be gentle with ourselves and be ok in the moment with what is.
