Flight Chronicles of the Hummingbird - Day 18 – 4-24-2021 - Lesson in Self-Awareness and Self-Care
Lesson in Self-Awareness and Self-Care
It’s been one of those days. I’m writing this at 6pm because
I had other things come up during the day. All good, this morning on my walk
although I was challenged with forcing myself to do something I really didn’t
want to.
I had a whole day planned. I was going to talk to a good
friend of mine on the phone that I haven’t spoken to in a while. She ended up
having to cancel and when she did, I felt like I really needed to talk with
I went to the local farmer’s market and talked to my new
friends from two of the farms I get my veggies and eggs from. I love talking to
them; there is a richness in that. I am definitely a city slicker because I was
talking about going over to the chicken farm and he was talking about the fact
that the morning of the day I wanted to go, they will be killing chickens in
the morning.
Well, we decided to do it in the afternoon because as a
chicken whisperer and sensitive person, I don’t know if I could watch that…
yet? Or maybe not at all?
At least not with me going through this transition right now.
I would probably have a meltdown. I have never been good at meeting an animal,
making “friends” and then seeing it dead later. That might not be such a good
idea, however, I’m really interested in seeing the farm. I will let you know!
When I got done at the farmer’s market, my intention was to
come home, eat and then go for a hike. After eating, I ended up watching Modern
Family on Hulu, which, by the way, is a great show. Today, once I stared
watching I melted into my seat and watched too many episodes and got extremely
tired. I took a nap and didn’t go for my hike.
Fast forward to now.
I am feeling alone for some reason and cannot put my finger
on it. I like spending time alone. Sometimes it gets the best of me. Now is one
of those times.
I am walking through this and breathing, the tools I use
when I feel like this. It is very close to anxiety and when it comes up it usually
means that I need to spend some time with my higher self. This is the self-awareness.
When I am done here, that is what I am going to do. I know I
can get through this, it’s just a day of self-care, which sometimes gets me
antsy and that is ok.
I wasn’t expecting this one to be a long one; some days just
require silence.
On this journey, I now move into the silence to be with my higher
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