Flight Chronicles of the Hummingbird - Day 16 – 4-22-2021 - Carpe Diem – Seize the Day!
Carpe Diem – Seize the Day!
Today is a great day. I usually do my inputs in the morning after
my walk. I got distracted. It was a good distraction and now I have a few
moments to sit down and write. It’s 4:22; angel message time!
“This is a strong message from the angels, asking you to
trust, believe, and have faith that your prayers are being answered, because
they are.”
I know! I know!
It’s only been a little over two weeks since I began this
new chapter of my journey/life.
I had a particularly good walk this morning because some
things shifted for my yesterday.
You see, I work with my mentor once a week. I can’t even
begin to tell you how invaluable these sessions are. I had a huge boost yesterday
of encouragement and guidance and it helped me to figure out not only how to
continue to work with the Universe on my goals and affirm them, I finally got
some clarity on how to set up my day as I take inspired action. This is huge
for me; if you knew me, you would understand.
You see, throughout my life, when I couldn’t figure out what
to do, I would do everything. Then I would get overwhelmed and then, as he put
it, I would use up all of my energy and then get nothing done that I wanted to.
The biggest thing I am learning in all of this is faith.
Every morning, just like this morning, I have been listening
to motivational videos. For the past week or so, I have listened to men.
Yesterday, I decided to listen to women. What a difference that made for me.
I could connect with it at a deeper level. It’s like “she” gets
me so well and has no idea who I am.
The first video I watched began with Iyanla Vanzant saying, “Does
anybody really ever acknowledge the good you are?”
I immediately started to cry. Well, yes some people did, not
everyone, and not the people I wanted to, but it did happen. I cried because I had
never really felt it; never felt like I was encouraged.
It wasn’t that it wasn’t happening. It was. So what was the
It was my belief.
I always knew that I elevated and encouraged others and
never felt that for myself. What is that?
Turns out that I wouldn’t even let it in. I felt so bad
about myself, that I shut the door and put a chain and lock around myself because
I felt I couldn’t receive something that was obviously rightfully mine. They
did say it to me, after all.
I was so focused on getting it from the people I “needed” it
from that I refused to accept it at all.
Have you ever done that before?
What I know for sure is when I elevate and encourage others,
I get to learn to not expect anything in return.
No expectations. No disappointments.
When I do get it from people, I get to take it all in; because
it is true. I am more than good enough to receive that encouragement. We all
Yet, even I go through this over and over again so I can
learn self-love. It’s not an easy path yet it is simple. I’m getting there.
Do you know the good you are? Do you know it?
We get labeled as bad girls and don’t know why. We don’t
even know how we got to this place or what happens to us.
I was never a bad girl. I really only got in trouble once,
as I mentioned in a previous day’s account.
I got labeled not good enough so many times that I started
to believe it myself. Then I lost myself because somewhere in all that I knew I
wasn’t bad. It was very confusing.
Oprah spoke next on this video I was listening to, “If you
allow the past to define your present, you will never get to live the life you
are meant to live. You are responsible for your life and if you are sitting
around waiting on somebody to save you, to fix you, to even help you, you are
wasting your time because only you have the power to take responsibility to
move your life forward.”
I am learning that living cautiously because you are so afraid
to fail you don’t do anything at all. Well this is a trip up for me; if you do
nothing at all you still have failed. Not choosing to do anything is still a
Really what is failure though? I see failure as a mistake.
What are mistakes? Something I can learn from.
Can you believe that you are worthy? Of being happy,
successful, abundant, fulfilled? Of feeling peace, joy, and love? It is, after
all, your birthright.
You will manifest whatever you believe, so for example, when
you focus on peace, you will achieve peace. When we focus on lack, that is what
we get.
It is time to change that.
Always do your best. Just run the race of life as hard as
you can, give it everything you’ve got.
It’s ok to do that. I’m doing it now. It’s not as painful as
I thought it was going to be and I have actually changed my thinking and focus.
For most of my life, my focus has been on lack; that is how I
got here. My thoughts had lack intertwined in my daily existence.
Now that I am focusing on what I want, I am walking in that
The thing is, we are an instant gratification society. It’s
not meant to be that way. If things happened right away that we asked for or
prayed for, we would be in deeper trouble than we believe we are already in.
There have been times where I would say something like, “Fine
then let ______ happen.” I’m really grateful I didn’t get those answers in
those moments. I don’t know what I would have done.
What matters the most is right now, this moment and your
willingness to see this moment for what it is, accept it, forgive the past,
take responsibility, and move forward.
This is your second chance to seize this moment and make
something of your life.
You can be on this journey too.
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