Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 101 – 7-16-2021 - 100 Days and Counting


So yesterday I celebrated 100 straight days of writing this blog. I have never gone this long on a blog. Almost, but not this long.

I find it interesting how life changes and I am so incredibly grateful for the changes.

Sometimes, the changes are not as we expected and sometimes they are exactly what we want. I have always heard it said that sometimes it is good that we don’t get what we pray for. Shifts happen and that is part of life.

This part is making a lot of things clearer than before, and I am just watching and going with the flow. Not something I’ve been able to do in my past.

You see, I had always been so afraid of losing control in my life that I kept tabs on everything, everyone and especially time. I fought so hard to keep control, that I lost it anyway.

Somehow, through the years, I just felt that if I didn’t control my surroundings that my entire life would fall apart. Well, 15 years ago, had all of this that is occurring now in my life happened, I would probably have completely lost it.

Now I am walking through it and seeing that everything is working out for me and I’m ok.

I’m in the middle of things now, so the outcomes haven’t happened so it’s not a good time to share the story, however, the fact that I am even getting through this at all is such a blessing. I can’t even begin to put it into words yet.

Always know this, if we make the decision to shift, our lives change. Maybe not the way we thought it would look but it will change. And it usually turns out better than we could ever have imagined. We just get to decide.

The best words I learned to used as tools recently is, “This or something better.” Believe me, the Universe, God, Source, Higher Power, Allah, Creator, whatever name you call it, is working with you every moment in every day and I know for a fact that I will be good. No matter what happens.

My dad used to say to me when he and my mother were going through divorce, “No matter what happens, I will always love you.” Our earthly father and the relationship we have with him in ways represents Source and the relationship we have with Him. I can now see that the love that is always there for me is always there for me, especially when it is coming from me to me and from Creator to me.

I am loved… this is not something I could have said even a year ago without fully knowing that this is the case. I can say it now.

I am doing good; everything will be ok. I know this fully now.

How does it get any better than this?
