Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 108 – 7-23-2021 - Movement and Stillness


There is a lot of movement,

People coming in and out,

Going here and there,

I am in a place of stillness,

Watching the movement,

And waiting,

To see what comes next,

Such a powerful, yet scary place to be,

Fear of the unknown has tortured me all my life,

Preparing, being ready for any possibility,

Even those that never arrived,

Or the preparedness caused them to arrive,

“See, I told you so.”

But here, now, this is different,

This is a different form of stillness,

I am not presupposing in this form,

I am the witness,

And what I see now is more peaceful than when I assume something will happen that I cannot control,

What is control anyway?

Since when did any of us ever have full control of anything?

The closest I feel we can get to control is our responses to both the external and internal worlds,

We have that,

We can choose what we do with that,

Other things, not so much,

But we try, we really try and…

Try as I might, it gets harder to do that because to me,

There is no such thing anymore, even though I want there to be,

The movement changes things,

The stillness watches,

Waiting for the next step,

My next move into movement.
