Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 93 – 7-8-2021 - Life Is Not Always Exciting and That Is Ok


I was sitting here in a friend’s house as I am typing today’s entry thinking about how simple life really is, if we just let it be that way.

We have a tendency from upbringings and consumerism to think that we have to do and have and how I am seeing that in this moment is that it puts us in the place of lack.

Lack can go in many different directions. You can be broke and feel in lack and you can be wealthy and feel lack.

The lack isn’t about the money. Money is just an energy that we equate to safety and security.

The lack is about how we feel about ourselves and how we are pushed to feel about ourselves in society.

What do I mean by that?

Well, as a child, most, if not all of us, were in some way, whether at home or school, told by someone that we weren’t good enough at something or as a person. In every situation that happens, it is always hurt people who hurt people, but it leaves a lasting scar on our little hearts.

I have learned that the consumerism part of this is the most ruthless, covert damage that is put upon us.


Most major companies and advertising agencies throughout the years have used psychologists and psychiatrists in their advertising department because they wanted to know how the human mind works and how it can be manipulated to buy their products. I didn’t realize until now when I looked it up that it was an actual “job”, and they now have schools that teach this.

“Advertising psychology develops and implants subliminal messages within ads to encourage consumers to purchase a good. Consumers, then process these promotional ads by analyzing, deciphering, and comprehending the messages hidden inside of them. This advertising psychological technique grabs the attention of consumers, then creates an interest in the product or service, which then peaks their interest, and causes them to make a purchase.” https://www.psychologyschoolguide.net/psychology-careers/advertising-psychologist/

This is actually very covert because it gets into the mind of the consumer to change their habits. This is not just advertising; this is consumerism and creates a need for us to continue to buy. What is happening is they are taking our deepest fears and traumas and using them to sell us things.

And then we have to hire someone at some point to help us declutter all of the things we “just have to have.”

I am only sharing this to show how things don’t matter. When we get inside ourselves and find the peace, truth and light we have always had that has been drowned out by all of this stuff, “not good enough” isn’t something that affects us anymore.

Being able to enjoy the simple things in life like spending time with those we love, going for a walk in nature, connecting with self and learning that you are worth every moment you put towards you is so much more satisfying than being busy and doing things all the time and owning things.

We even train our children to be busy, that is why they are always bored. When I was a kid, and yes it was a different time, I played outside all day by the creek, at a park or riding my bike. I spent some time inside playing but I always wanted to be outside. That no longer holds true with most children now.

Take a moment to look at yourself and see if there is a connection that you feel you are missing. I have found that the healing I have done has actually brought me to a place from consumerism to peace and it is the best decision I have ever made to shift out of that.

By the way, I went to school to learn about the retail world, so this shift is huge.

Looking forward to more changes.

How does it get any better than this?
