Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 92 – 7-7-2021 - Watching and Learning Again


To watch and learn as I am on my travels to pick up the rest of my stuff. New people coming into my life and people who weren’t meant to be there are leaving.

It doesn’t mean this is an easy thing, it just means that it is meant to happen this way. For someone who’s life included an immeasurable fear of loss along with a lot of loss, this is a challenge. This time I can see why it is happening.

I have read The Alchemist in my past. It is a fantastic book. I highly recommend it. So powerful in that in teaches us that sometimes in life we will travel on our journey alone. It doesn’t necessarily mean there won’t be people around, our personal journey is just not something that everyone will participate in. Sometimes, there are people who participate. It’s very interesting and at this point more comforting than before.

Like Wayne Dyer used to talk about the train. He said something like when you are riding the train, you are holding onto the strap above. People will get on and off the train as they do in life, and you are still there holding onto the strap. Sometimes the same people will get on and sometimes they will be different and there will be times where you are alone on that train. And that is ok.

I am learning more and more about loss and being alone at times and it isn’t so scary anymore. There does have to be a decision and some movement on my part in order to find these things out. When we continue to do the same things all of our lives, we never afford ourselves the opportunity for life itself.

I can say this because I think I have gypsy blood coursing through my veins. I feel deeply what it’s like to do different things and go to different places. Not everyone is set up like me, yet it doesn’t mean that you stay in one place your entire life. I suggest that life is all about experiencing things we never have before, whether it’s a place, a food, or different people. How else do we become tolerant and understanding of things we were never taught?

School didn’t end when I graduated college. My life has always been my school and I am fully grateful for that opportunity. Sometimes, many times, it was a difficult course, yet it always taught me something about myself, others and life.

I don’t know what this part of the journey will bring, however, what I do know is I am open to anything that comes my way at this point. I know that whether it appears “good” or “bad,” I will definitely get something out of it, and I will grow even more in my life.

That has always been what I have done, and it gets better and better every day, and…

How does it get any better than this?
