Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 98 – 7-13-2021 - The Awakening


Everyday in every way, things open to my truth and who I am.

I don’t know what this is leading to, I just know that things change in life all the time.

Some days, I don’t understand the changes, but I go with the flow. At least I am learning to.

Getting more and more stable within myself even with chaos around me.

Life can be chaotic, and I can be ok in the midst of it. I am learning that.

I keep swimming. I keep swimming. Just like Dory says in Finding Nemo. That has been one of my mantras for a good long time.

I am oddly enough also finding out that it is, in effect, ok to lose people and things. We come into this world alone and with nothing and we leave alone and with nothing, and that is ok.

What we do with our time on this planet matters.

When we find out who were truly are beyond the conditioning, the mistakes, the bulls…, we learn to love ourselves and not listen to everything everyone around us says.

When people tell us to be or do things, they are coming from their own trauma, pain and agendas and that doesn’t suit us. It is not self-loving to listen and do everything we are told.

What is self-loving is the fact that even though things are crazy around us, we stay true to ourselves and listen to our own gut or intuition, and we can take what people say or do as a red flag and use (or not use) the information in our decisions.

I used to really not know what to do and go tell 3-4 people what was happening and even when each person said something different that I should do (they always each said something different) and I would listen to them all and pretty much pick a random decision from someone else and run with it.

All that got me was very confused and it never worked out in the long run because it wasn’t my truth, it was theirs.

I see now that my truth is the ultimate truth for me to live my live by. That is all. That is self-loving and no matter what happens around me from now on, I continue to listen to my intuition and words I speak while helping others to guide my life.

That is how I am set up and that has always been how I make the best decisions. I choose to do that.

These experiences have shown me.

How does it get any better than this?

(By the way, I ask this question at the end, intentionally for my thoughts. What happens is that when things are running smoothly and life is going well, it can always get better AND when things really suck and I’m trying to work through things and understand myself withing a situation, it can always get better. I used to say to others that when we feel like we are laying in a sewer from all of the crap that has occurred around us that there is only one way to go and that is up. It always holds true.)
