Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 95 – 7-10-2021 - Dancing Through the Winds of Time


I wrote the title a couple of hours ago with no idea what I would be writing. Then some things started coming up around me to have to change at the last minute and instead of losing it, I got to walk through it. No, wait. I’m getting to dance through it.

It’s not easy, yet somehow I knew that this was something that was purposeful with this trip back to South Florida to pick up my things.

This was meant to be a healing journey; I knew it would be and it is. It’s basically teaching me who I get to keep in my life and who I get to release. Of course, I am not going into detail, but what I am finding out more and more about myself is that from all of this healing work I have been doing, I am able to walk through things much easier.

And this sucks!

Well, mostly because it’s a last-minute change and years ago if something like this had happened, I would have had a meltdown… a total and complete meltdown. Feeling alone and deserted with no one there to offer support.

This is different.

This time I am allowing the things that are going on to shift around me and for me to just go with the flow of the shifts. It doesn’t feel good at the moment, and it was meant to happen. I get that now and being able to see that when I couldn’t before, is so inspiring for me that I have worked through the things that have caused me to completely lose it before.

It’s just a matter of shifting gears and going in a little bit of a different direction.

Usually, in life, that’s all it is, going into a tizzy first and working through what the potentials are. For the first time in my life, I didn’t fall back into my reptilian brain and freak out and stayed with breathing and waiting.

I know the answers will come now and its still hard moment to moment to fully realize that. The thing is that since I started this blog, the answers have come, every time something happened. So, it is obviously very probable that it will do it again.

What I get to do now is just breathe. I have no answers right now AND I know they are coming. I am my own practice of surrender and trust as I sit here typing these words.

Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in… Breathe out.

How does it get any better than this?

