Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 88 – 7-3-2021 - Preparation


I don’t know what this means, yet it popped into my head this morning.

I am feeling a lot of shifts happening with myself and those around me. Sometimes they don’t appear to be “good” yet they are incredible. They are helping me and others to release what no longer serves and open ourselves up to living a big life.

There are inklings of things that pop up daily for me to see where this is taking me and I still can’t share because I don’t even know what to say. Nor do I really know what is happening. It’s very strange. Obviously this has never happened before.

What I can say is that I am more connected to myself and love myself more than I ever even imagined I could in my life. I am also connecting with others on a completely different level than I ever expected. It’s so beautiful and loving.

Within the next two weeks, I will be going into a phase of introspection and preparedness for the things that are showing up. As I go through this, I will share as much as I can, as I know it. That, I feel, may be limited at first because I have no idea what is happening, yet this is so interesting to me that I want to share it with whoever wants to listen.

This is my gift to show others there is a way out of trauma into healing, into a beautiful space of self-love and self-acceptance. No, I can’t believe it either in some ways, but I keep watching and observing and the sharing will continue to be a result of that.

If you have any inclination to reach out and connect, please do so.

Be ready for a completely radical change in your life when you do.

This is so cool! How does it get any better than this?
