Flight Chronicles of the Hummingbird Day 52 – 5-28-2021 - The GPSystem of Your Life Listen to the Still Small Voice or Reckon with the 2x4 Upside Your Head

Recap - Day 13 – 4-19-2021

I am recapping this because I missed a day on my uploads  for this post.

On my walk today, I was listening to Dr. Joe Dispenza and he was talking about all of the changes going on in the world today, literally a new paradigm shift. The old ways of doing things are no longer working and as with normal human behavior, we want change, yet we are afraid to shift with it.

We are afraid of the unknown. I spoke about that yesterday.

So, I’m sure more us of have learned that at one point in our human existence on this planet, people thought the world was flat. Then one day Pythagoras found the earth, in fact, was round. Guess how many people believed him at that point?

Now, see how many people believe that the earth is a globe and not flat.

My point is not to say that as humans we are stupid, we are far from that. What I am saying here is that Human Nature precludes us from realizing we need to shift with changes because of fear.

There was a time in my life when I would always have that stick to it attitude. To believe that thing, whatever it was and keep going, even with all of the red flags and hints (that still small voice) that kept telling me to shift gears because something was not in enlightment.

Did I shift gears when it was happening? No. Did I get hit across the head by a proverbial 2x4 when that voice could get no louder? Absolutely!

I know the flat world/round earth description is not exactly the same as what I just described but it gives us an idea of how humans behave when it comes to change.

What I see on our planet is that a lot of our systems are falling apart and some governments are not having an easy time trying to keep things as they have always been.

Now hear me out for a moment. Sticking to something that has always worked a certain way is not always a good thing. I have learned that, as I said earlier, many times, the hard way.

Not only are things around our planet shifting, but we are also shifting as well. This is the main reason that things seem so difficult to many of us. We have a tendency to hold onto our past because it is the one thing we know well, no matter how painful.

It is our personal job to shift things inside ourselves, I’m seeing that as I walk through my journey. As I talked about yesterday, releasing the energies that are hindering our growth and allowing space for the new to come in.

We are made controllable by fear, anger, war and competition. As we have witnessed over the past year and a half with Covid, Black Lives Matter, Politics, etc., we have been controlled (and confused) by the media, posts on social media and what I know for sure from my gut is that we are not on this planet in this life to be controlled.

It was obvious to me that when I was the one doing the controlling because I felt out of control that nothing worked and everything fell apart. That was just in my life. Has that ever happened to you before?

What I am saying here is that these things I mentioned are the way to handle crisis. When we are in fear, anger, competitiveness and competition to try to outdo others, that we are better than they are, that is when we take ourselves out of the equation of possibilities for ourselves and in our own lives.

 There is a counterintuitive way to do it and therein lies the place where we don’t make moves to change because we are afraid of the unknown.

Here it is – using crisis, as I have discovered as a great opportunity that is disguised as an impossible situation.

“What? Are you crazy? If I had to go through something like losing my home, my job, my relationship or getting sick, I would never make it!”

I know for a fact that this is not true and it took me 30 years of my life to figure this out; well, I’m figuring it out.

What I am finding here that is so powerful in this moment is that there is a way to create a new way of being and therefore create new systems. By stepping into this space, we begin to feel empowered by possibility.

The challenge, as I mentioned yesterday, is the release. I have been doing years of release and now I am at a point where I am using everything I have learned in this opportunity that was disguised as an impossible situation.

My impossible situation happens to be some of the top stressors out there. A breakup of a relationship, dwindling down to less than $1,000 to my name, moving, not being settled in where I will eventually be, so many things are up in the air for me, yet I have chosen to walk through this.

For my entire life, the external world “made” me a victim. Yes, at the time, I was a victim. Now, looking back, I was victimized. Saying it that way empowers me to do something about it instead of staying stuck in it.

The work I do on myself and with my clients is about getting unstuck from this place by going inside and healing those parts that we hate, ignore and sabotage.

I am learning more and more that going inside helps me to connect with my own knowledge and control of me. Anyone can do this, and anyone can chose to stop being a victim AND stop being victimized. For it is what is inside of us, when we can get to it, the guides our lives.

I know that this concept is hard to see when you are struggling in your life in some way, just like me; I totally get it.

Here is what you can do:

Don’t wait until the 2x4 hits you. Listen to that still small voice.

If it has hit, take a step back from what is happening and consider yourself and the things that you need or want to do to change your situation.

Have the willingness to step into the unknown and out of your comfort zone into a place that feels so unfamiliar it will make your hair stand on end.

Be courageous. You can do that. No matter where you are in your life, one little step every day, even if it is just walking out your door.

This void, the emptiness (empty space we feel) is just the place that we need to be to create miracles and recreate your life.

Finally, freedom. Living life the way you want to live, whatever that looks like for you.

This is our journey.



And realizing when we do listen to that Still Small Voice Within, life has a way of connecting back to us and we can learn more about who we are.

I totally missed putting this in the blog on the day it was meant to be. That’s ok. I shared it now because it doesn’t matter if you saw it then or now, this truth still holds.

One of the biggest lessons I have been experiencing on this part of my journey is listening to my heart, that still small voice and finding that when I do that, all kinds of beautiful things begin to happen.

Somehow that intuitive hit I mentioned yesterday about the thing that was causing more work for me and stressing me out. The decision to let that go and what followed were some beautiful things later in the day that I am not at liberty to share.

I can tell you that what happened absolutely filled my heart and brought me to my knees at the same time. It was so powerful for me and touched my heart. It was something I had always wanted to happen while at the same time never knew if it would.

So that is all I can say about that and honestly what I would like for you to get out of this is in listening to your heart and following its guidance, you will never be led astray.

That still small voice can be anything you choose it to be; God, your Higher Self, your intuition, whatever.

It is the GPSystem of your life. Follow it on your journey and you won’t regret it. 
