Flight Chronicles of the Hummingbird - Day 30 – 5-6-2021 - More Breakthroughs

More Breakthroughs

Today is quite an accomplishment for me. It is the first time in many years that I sat down to a blank page for 30 days and wrote. For many reasons, I had stopped, most of which is because my self-inflicted comfort with the chaos in my life caused me to isolate and not do anything.

I made myself busy but had no idea what I did.

As you know, a lot has brought me to this point in my life and believe it or not (sometimes I don’t believe it), I couldn’t be more grateful. Even the lows (or what appear to be the lows) in my life are giving me great opportunities to surrender.

And…I have been doing that a lot lately. Surrendering to every instance in my life that challenges me and frustrates me, and I realize now that these frustrations are actually telling me that I get to move into the next level of my life.

Yes, I’m scared and yes this is what I have always wanted.

When things frustrate us, it is because our souls are ready to move on or up. It is not saying that something is wrong with the events or people that are frustrating us. We get to decide to move to a higher level. We have the right to choose that. I have been recognizing these rights that keep coming to me.

When we are in a space of feeling stuck and frustrated, here is what we get to remember. It’s this you…the you you are in this moment in time… who will bring about the future you want.

It is a choice. It is a decision. It is being able to outgrow limiting beliefs, old behaviors and old mindsets. It is knowing somewhere inside that it can be done and learning to forgive yourself for not knowing better because you didn’t. Now you do and you get to do it differently.

This time it’s to be real and raw with yourself. Whatever stage you are in, you are in the best stage of your life to do something; even if it is getting off your couch and going to take a walk in nature, by a river or downtown.

It is time. Time to reconsider that there is more to what is going on inside you than what you imagined. The time to look inside and shine the light into the darkness and I promise you it isn’t as scary in there as I once believed.

I am shining light onto my greatness. Onto all of the experiences I have had in my life that were painful and traumatic and know, without a doubt that these are the things that made me strong.

The little girl who was abandoned from the first moments of her life was actually being given the opportunity to learn to stand on her own and handle everything that life has thrown at her. And that she has.

I am in a really good place today because I am choosing that nothing is going to bring me down. And if something does, then I choose to sit with it and my little girl until she walks through it again and stands back up and gets back in the game.

Every day is an opportunity to shift those beliefs, behaviors and mindsets and the only way is to go in. It is safe in there, believe it or not. I have found after the first few minutes or so of the Darkest Nights of the Soul, daylight always comes.

You will find yourself on your journey when you make that decision too. It makes me smile to think about all of the crap I have been through and I am still enjoying where this is going and of course where I am in the moment.

Thank you for being here…
