Flight Chronicles of the Hummingbird - Day 58 – 6-3-2021 - “Father, Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do” Jesus
I had an extremely eye-opening experience yesterday as I was
working through feeling miffed by what someone was doing in my world. Not just
one someone, a lot of someone’s. It all came crashing down on me with a realization
that withstood time.
I pondered this for a while, as I sat staring out the
So, I have been researching and studying the human mind
(mostly mine) just to see what makes it/me tick. I mentioned on my previous
post that my new project is Human Design. It is very powerful and is bringing
me a lot of awareness on things about myself.
You see, for years, I have been working on forgiving myself
for both the mistakes I’ve made and for not knowing how to respond in situations.
Those situations overtook and overwhelmed me. Most of the time I blanked out
and had no idea what to do.
Mostly, from my perspective, I was surprised that humans
could act in negative ways toward other humans. Then as I was looking inside, I
made this crazy discovery.
Maybe I am one of those humans.
I already knew that I didn’t know how to react or respond to
certain situations and mostly my fear kept me from being present with others; trauma
will do that to people.
So, my next question was, “What if other people go through
Wait, what?
Does that include people like Hitler and others who have
mass murdered?
Well, yes… and no. They still had
a responsibility.
Here’s the deal that I am coming to figure out. If I am “against”
something (like murder) and react from my against-ness, don’t I have the same
capacity to “murder?” Um, yes.
But hear me out.
I do, but not to the extent that some do. I murder in
different ways. I have murdered friendships from fear and desperation, I have
murdered relationships from the same thing. I have even murdered my self through
self-loathing and self-sabotage. I feared life because I didn’t know how to do
it differently. I figuratively killed myself while my body was alive.
These are things that I did because I didn’t know any better
at the time. The programming/conditioning that has been in my family for
generations, came to me in such a way that I didn’t even realize I was doing
it. None of us do. That is generational trauma.
There is no blame here, only recognition of Self. If you are
being challenged at this moment, then that is actually a good thing. It may be
an opportunity to see how this fits for you and gives you the choice to shift.
Now I go back to forgiveness.
Forgiveness isn’t even about the other person. When we
choose to forgive, we are actually releasing pent up and negative emotions that
have gone on for years inside us.
The interesting thing is how that connects to past (and
future) generations. The more we forgive, the more we heal, we are letting go and
literally changing the way we think, act and feel. Our brain changes in the
process and so does the rest of our body.
Check out Epigenetics, if you are inclined. You will find
some stunning information.
Anyway, what is it about the quote that Jesus said, “Father,
forgive them for they know not what they do.”
It is about recognizing the traumas and feelings in others
and empathizing and seeing how we have the same traumas and feelings. It’s
about knowing, deep down, that they probably are working off something that
they learned or experienced some trauma as children and though most people
would change once they recognize that in themselves and feel remorse, some don’t
or can’t.
Unless there has been such a profound trauma for that person,
that there really is no shift. That can happen.
So, as I understand, forgiving them anyway helped me to heal
and come to peace with the way things are. It gives me a chance to have
compassion for another human no matter how much I was hurt.
I think the biggest thing that blows me away is that I have
read story after story talking about the someone in the family of a victim of
murder that would go to the prison and forgive the murderer in person for what
they had done.
That is Jesus. That is the Christ. That is Christ
So how many times do you need to forgive? Jesus mentioned 70
x 7.
What does that mean?
When he gave the example of 70×7, he wasn’t just talking
about forgiving 490 times. (70×7=490)
“Christ was actually alluding to the 490 years that the Jews
had spent in captivity and slavery. They were taken from their homeland, their
families were torn apart, and they were enslaved, along with many other
atrocities that they endured.
He was saying even in the hardest of situations, forgive.
Even after their enemies had hurt them and wronged them for almost five
centuries, He was teaching them to forgive. He knew what harboring the
unforgiveness would do them no good.
There’s an old saying that says,
Harboring unforgiveness or bitterness, is like drinking
poison and expecting the other person to die.” (https://danielpassini.org/what-did-jesus-mean-by-forgiving-70-x-7-times/)
And from here you must forgive yourself. You didn’t know…now
you do, and you are responsible for healing your life, no one else’s.
Just like me. Hope you have a blessed day!
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