Flight Chronicles of the Hummingbird - Day 57 – 6-2-2021 - Looking Back on this Ride
Tomorrow is my two month-a-versary of my moving into this
new chapter of my life. This time alone has allowed me much deeper discoveries
into the truth of who I am.
So many things have come up for me and I really feel different.
The grief, although it comes up every now and again is subsiding and the
anxiety I have held for years is beginning to fade away.
I was thinking today on my walk about this new process of
knowing myself that I am discovering. I have a coach that told me about a
system called Human Design. At first, I thought, “Crap, not another thing about
how my personality is.”
I was full out wrong. Once I started to look into it, based
on my birthdate and time and location, it opened up a whole new world to me
that I never knew existed; and it’s been around for about 30 years.
Who knew?
So, what I have been learning about myself validates that
this is who I am and all of the bullying I endured throughout my life only came
from others who don’t understand how I function. I didn’t even understand, so
for my entire life, I felt like such a failure because I couldn’t fit in or get
anything right.
Well, now I know why. My design is what is called a
Projector and those of us who are this type only make up about 20% of the
population. So, there is the first, outside the box reality for me.
The next thing is that this type is considered a “non-energy”
type, so all of those naps and breaks I took for years and not being able to
keep up with PT in the military just meant that my body wasn’t set up for it.
Those were the times I was bullied the most, for not being able to keep up, as
well as in childhood.
It is necessary for me to learn how to use my energy,
so I don’t burnout. Who knew…again?
There is so much information in this system, that I am
certainly not going to go into it. What I can tell you is that I feel so
validated at the reasons behind how my life has gone and how I am able to shift
it in the present in order to walk into a new and beautiful future.
I celebrate this time, almost 60 days later, from feeling
lost, alone, and broke to now feeling powerful and excited about what my life
holds. I get to just be in each moment and enjoy the ride! Yay!
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