Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 77 - 6-22-2021 - It’s Tweener Time


I can’t even begin to tell you what this feels like. I have lived in a small town before. Probably not this small. I even found out the nearest gas station is like 8 miles away from here.

The last small town I lived in was in Pennsylvania. I think that town has 63 more people living there than are here. So, I guess I know what this is like and I have to admit that this is very similar to when I lived there.

I don’t live here, yet, I do believe that is what this is leading to. Just following the pull of the universe right now and where it is guiding me.

I have completely minimalized to the point where I have basically four pieces of “furniture,” two plastic three drawer “dressers,” a bookshelf and a folding TV type table. That and some small and large bins and some boxes. I have gone down from a 10x20 storage room to less than a 5x5.

I have chosen to travel light. We can’t take anything with us anyway when we leave this planet, so I decided to get rid of everything, for the most part. I kept some of my children’s things that I thought they may want, along with pictures, some nic naks (I never knew how to spell that, lol), and my clothes.

I do not like to dust and so I decided to just release the things that no longer served a purpose. I did keep some things I love, but not much.

This is meant to happen. I notice the older I get, the less I really need. I learned that from a hurricane. I realized that everything I needed or loved in the world, I could fit into a mid-size SUV along with a friend’s things. That really told me something. That was in 2017.

Now here I am, in what I call a “Tweener Time.” I live neither here nor there. The tweener time is a little different from the void. Where the void is a feeling of nothingness, of floating in a cocoon waiting to be released, this is more of the real beginning of the next chapter where new things and new people begin to show up in my life.

This is cool and as I’m sure I’ve mentioned many times before, kinda scary. That’s ok. I know I can do this now and this is so important.

I just want to say that in being here for just one day, my creative juices have begun to flow again and I love this. It’s been a while since that has really happened.

There is a difference.

Now, the spark inside has begun to turn into a flame and the darkness isn’t so bad anymore. I feel so much love for myself and the life I am moving into.

I do not live in that box. I am a Gypsy Queen.

And… I love what is happening.

