Flight Chronicles of the Hummingbird - Day 71 – 6-16-2021 - This Journey of Mine
Today I have been thinking about just how far I have come in
this journey of mine. I have learned so many things and of course it’s not
over, so I know I have plenty more where that has come from.
I actually started this when I was 27.
By that point I had been married with one child at the age
of 24. I had no idea how to be a mother. I did do my best.
In that process of the beginning years, was a lot of
emotional trauma in my marriage and I wanted to do what I could to find myself
and save my little family. I also had a lot of trauma around my relationship
with my father. My mother was already out of my life by then, actually since the
age of 12, but, of course, that trauma was already set inside of me, but I didn’t
understand it at this point in time.
It was not an easy time. I already felt I was not good at
this mothering thing and had no idea how to navigate life. As I have said
before, I just in general didn’t feel good enough.
My marriage was my escape to what I thought would be the
fairy tales of my youth. Also, that was what was expected at that time, to go
to college, to get married, to have children. I believed in the whole white
picket fence, 2.5 kids and a dog in the yard. I didn’t come from that, so I was
definitely interested in it. It certainly was a different mindset than now, and
I followed all the rules, have ever since I broke them in Junior High School
and got in trouble and decided to be a good little girl from that point on.
In the process of being a new mother, a wife that could not get
anything right by her husband, I become deeply confused with everything and
wanted a way “out.”
The first place I started was religion. I was raised Jewish
and so I decided to try my former husband's religion as an Independent Baptist. I thought
it was the way to go and that lasted for a few years, and it was a challenging experience
in itself. I mentioned part of the experience that started me out on that in my
blog input, Day 38 – The Road to Consciousness.
Also at that time, I began to read many books because I had decided
to go on a search for myself. Really I wanted to “fix” myself. I felt deep down
that there was something seriously wrong with me to have attracted this abuse
into my life. I wanted to know what I had done that was so wrong. Nothing made
sense to me.
My early 20’s was a harrowing time, and the books I had
started reading were really confusing to me. I could barely understand what I was
reading and was not able to connect with it on a deep healing level. I felt
like I had opened a Pandora’s Box and by my own choice had thrown myself to the
As this was going on, I had also gone through three years by
that time of being a mother. I wanted to be a mother so badly because of the
lack of mothering I had received. I was so excited. I would be the mother to my
son that my mother couldn’t be for me.
I had started to get angry at that time too and kept that all inside because I couldn’t figure out how to be a mother. Of course, I had instincts, somewhat, but I was exhausted, and I had no one to call to help me and I did the best I could with what I knew, which wasn’t much at all.
I was more than likely going through
post-partum depression but that really wasn’t something people were looking at
closely back then. At that time, though, I just beat myself up because I couldn’t
get it right. My whole existence felt like it was crashing in around me.
I felt so alone and had no clue what I was doing. I read
those books too on how to raise a baby - Dr. Spock? - I don’t remember, but that
didn’t help in real life very much, just with the basics.
As the years progressed, the emotional abuse, the
post-partum and my feelings of complete and utter inadequacy started to get
bigger. I had no idea what was happening to me and as time went on, I began to
think I was having the same psychological issues as my mother. By the way, I
was also still very angry with her at that point.
I just didn’t know what to do.
I was broken. I was lost. I was confused. I felt like had I
no one to help me.
Then a bright light came into my life which a lot of people think will help.
Having another baby!
It really did help for four years, that is how long I had
her, until my life really turned upside down.
As I continue this story with the next few blog posts, there
is a caveat that it will be mostly about what I did personally to get through it.
I can’t, at this time, put out a lot of information because, in respect for my
children, they don’t know all that happened from my perspective, and that discussion hasn’t occurred
with them and may not. This is hard for me because while I want to share my
story, out of respect for them, I do need to keep some of it to myself. They are the
most important people in my life, so I will be as open as I can by telling this
from my perspective of how this helped me to heal, not through the bashing of
In fact, the story involves others, who had it not been for
them, I would not be where I am now, in such an amazing space of healing. I am
actually grateful for that experience and to all that were a part of it. I have
initiated the forgiveness work with them and continue to do the work with them
and for myself.
See you tomorrow…
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