Flight of the Hummingbird - Day 75 - 6-20-2021 - The Process of Starting Anew

Man… sometimes when a new journey is begun, I think the Universe throws in some extra touches of craziness just to see if we are ready.

I am today on the second leg of my journey, on the road for my first long vacation in many years. Living in South Florida as a newbie starting in 2015, was actually like a vacation. I was after all living in paradise. I was grateful every day for the warmth, the palm trees and especially the ocean.

As the years went on, like everywhere, it just became another place to live. I was there for seven years. As a “gypsy”, it felt fully like it was time to move on.

Reminiscing, I think about that as my healing space, my cocoon. I worked through a lot there to open up this door now for me to walk through. I am so grateful for this part of my life even with the adversities. I wouldn’t have been able to “survive” yesterday’s Travel Day 1, had it not been for the healing work I have done. Sometimes, I surprise myself.

Let me tell you what. It just started off weird and went from there. I won’t go into the details and looking back now, I am actually laughing at it, something, in the past, I was never able to do. I had always thought I had possibly done something wrong to deserve that kind of day.

Now what I see is that, oddly enough, the harder or weirder a day is, the better the following days are after. Such a dichotomy, so counterintuitive to what I have always believed. What a switch up.

In a really short version, I will give you yesterday’s events that as I said, in the past, would have brought me to my knees with fear, crying, anger, you name it. This time it did not.

Not even when I finally got to my destination 4 hours later than was intended.

My travel day included right away the need to use the bathroom in the middle of nowhere, finally reaching the highway and getting stopped by a freight train that took another 10 minutes, rain, Atlanta, GA, need I say more about that? Well, yes, I do!

It literally took me two hours to find a way out. GPS rerouted me for strange reasons and I kept running into nothing but rain and accidents. It was crazy.

I finally got out of Atlanta, heading up to Chattanooga driving along 75N and the rain got harder and harder. I haven’t driven in the mountains for years, let alone in a rainstorm, at night. And it’s really difficult for me to see in those conditions let alone being passed, inches away from my car by another, by folks in a grand rush to get to something or other. And that is ok. These folks had destinations too. It is easier now for me to get that without feeling like it was personal.

I watched the GPS as it kept adding numbers because the time was based on the 70 mile an hour speed limit and I was doing my best to drive 60, blinded by the rain and the lights.

What a time…

My initial decision was to split up the 11 or so hour drive and spend the night so I would be rested for the rest of the journey. Turned out yesterday took me 13 hours and I still have about four to go today. Yikes… how did that happen?

Makes me wonder if I should drive straight through on the way back…lol.

I managed to get to the Airbnb I’m staying at now as I am writing this, atop a mountain in Chattanooga. I literally never thought I would be here and I am still excited for this travel and grateful to be alive!

It’s a beautiful day… How does it get any better than this?
