Flight Chronicles of the Hummingbird - Day 73 – 6-18-2021 - Grief – Forgiveness – Love
In a very strange occurrence yesterday, all of my afternoon appointments were cancelled. Now, normally I would have freaked out but this time something hit me, and I asked the question, “This feels like you are opening something up for me in my schedule for something. What are you preparing me for?”
I went on with my day, finished my work, relaxed, made a
nice dinner and watched the Hulu series “This is Us.” That one is pretty
consistently a tearjerker for me and what I’m finding is odd is that in the
past week, I feel like I keep weeping again. I know it’s the grief, yet it has
been feeling different for some reason and I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Of course I didn’t get the answer until this morning. When I
woke up as I was doing a YouTube version of Ha’oponopono – which is roughly
translates to “cause things to move back in balance” or to “make things right.”
It’s a very zen concept. (In native Hawaiian language, “pono” means balance, in
the sense of “life.” When things are in balance, nothing is off, so
to speak.) https://graceandlightness.com/hooponopono-hawaiian-prayer-for-forgiveness/
When you speak Ha’oponopono, these are the words you say – “I’m
sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” It opens and clears something
inside that I am not able to describe. The link above and others can bring you
more into the process, if you are interested.
I’ve been doing Ha’oponopono for a while now and a couple of
weeks ago stumbled onto the YouTube version which is set to music played at
432Hz, which is a healing resonance.
The link here for me is that while I was partnering in
writing, playing and recording music over the last two years as Indivinity Music
with my former partner, we used the same vibration of 432Hz in our instruments
and voices. I won’t go into that now, but there is a lot of information out
there on this.
Also, some will say that 440Hz is the only way to go and for
music in general, it does work, and there are theories out there about that
too. If you are looking for healing the mind, body, spirit and heart, check out
Schumann Resonances, along with 444Hz which break down into other healing
vibrations. Such an interesting history, including the Gregorian Monk information.
Anyway, I digressed a bit there. That stuff is one of my
So, the main reason I wanted to write this morning is that my
strange day yesterday shifted me into a beautiful wake up today.
Back to the YouTube video.
As I was listening, meditating, half in the world, half out,
I was thinking about my children, also remembering them as babies and then moving
that love I have for them into myself. The energy was so big.
Then I started to think about the people in my life who I
felt hurt by and moved that energy toward them while hearing those words over
and over again, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” It felt
like my whole body was breathing this energy. It wasn’t air, it was love. It
started to feel like I was dissociating, which I used to do to escape the pain.
That wasn’t it, this was a totally etheric feeling, like waves of energy
passing through me and around me.
Of course, I began to weep again and it felt so healing.
Like having my mother’s arms wrapped around me and her wiping the tear away. She
is no longer on this planet, so I really felt that too.
The words that came to me as this was happening were: Grief –
Forgiveness – Love. Then what came was “For Self and Others.” I knew what that
meant on a surface level and when I began to write about this in my journal, it
started to go way deeper.
I’m going to share this with you because it is so amazing,
and I am also going to say that I am giving a disclaimer because I don’t know
who will be reading this. So, this is my heart, my feelings, my understandings
and my thoughts. We are meant to have different ways of connecting with our
Higher Power and it is not my intent to offend. It is just what I have
discovered and now know to the depths of my being this morning and just wanted
to share for those that resonate. If you don’t, that is ok too. Take what you
can from it and leave the rest.
I am getting ready to move on into a trip tomorrow.
Something I haven’t done in many years for longer that 3-4 days. This one will
be 10. I don’t know what to expect, nor am I looking for anything. Going with
the flow is the purpose as well with discovering more of my Self along the way.
Being in a totally different location than Florida, which
hasn’t happened for years. Florida has been my healing grounds since 2015 and
it is time for me to expand and express who I really am and this trip is to complete
this part of the process. Whatever that looks like.
I will continue to do these posts on this trip, so who knows
what will come from that.
Anyway, as I was coming back into the room from the
meditation, I realized for the first time and really felt it for the first time
(I’ve known about this for years) that I get to connect with me in Self-Love. While
listening to the Ha’oponopono, I felt so much at peace, and I am just beginning
to connect with that love for me. The last week has really been a deep dive
into working through some things that I didn’t really understand fully
throughout my life until they came up last week. I am grateful to those beings
who made me aware and who helped walk me through it.
The way I did it was by thinking about my children and love
and grieving and forgiving in this process. This is so important, I’m seeing
this for the first time in this way, how I really focus on me first to
self-care, to grieve, to forgive in order to find and connect with love.
Grief – Forgiveness – Love: For Self and Others – a powerful
mantra to follow, not easy though. I don’t think it can get anymore powerful
than this, yet I’m sure there is a next level in there somewhere. As a dear
friend always says to me, “This is next level stuff.” Yes, it is. Wow.
I can honestly feel the connection with everyone on an
energetic level in and out of my life and those that I felt hurt by who were
actually the ones that brought me to this place today. The hurt doesn’t even
seem to matter anymore at this moment. We have all been wounded in some way, we
are all in pain and I can have compassion for that as I see what this is. That
thought linked me back to seeing my mother as a little girl in all her pain so
I could forgive her. That, somehow, made it easier to start that process.
Continuing in the process, and I recognize that this is a
hard pill to swallow, is to see that those that I felt hurt by along with people
in the world that probably don’t “deserve” our grief, forgiveness and love, yet
knowing it must be done for ourselves. Also, for our connections, to be able to
feel and connect with a Higher Power and others. I mean really feel it in our
bodies, not just to profess it.
To me, it feels like this is what Jesus means when he spoke
about forgiveness. I feel that is why he was here on this planet as a human,
just like us, so we could see and feel it through him and how he behaved
throughout his life, to show us the way to get through to ourselves, our Higher
Power/God (or whatever you choose to call that Being) and each other.
There is always more to life than what meets the eye; and I
am really seeing that this morning.
So, in getting to our Higher Power/God, the how isn’t what matters
here from my understanding, it is that we get to work on a way to do it – for the
healing of this world and planet – through each of us. We must begin with us.
This is scary for me because in working through this for
myself hasn’t been easy. I always got lost and caught up in the drama and pain
in the past.
I get that there may be quite a few people that will not
agree with what I’m saying and may get angry or hostile, yet that feels ok to
me. Why? Because what I am saying doesn’t require you to listen to or believe a
word of what I am saying, and I am not preaching this to anyone. I am just sharing
my experiences, along with what I am feeling and what my discoveries are coming
to be.
I certainly don’t know this fully and it is all part of this
process, it was interesting to me and I hope that, again, this can at least
help one person out there reading this.
This isn’t about belief or expectations or perfectionism (all
of which have lived inside of me at one point or another). For me, it is fully
about a road/path to Love. True Unconditional Love, the kind of love you feel
in your body when you look at a baby for the first time you see them! That is
the same for me. That is what I am finding.
Even the same for ourselves and in finding that love, we
find the same love for others, the Earth, the animals, whatever we wish to see
change in the world can be done through this. I feel it to the depths of my Soul
that this is the Truth for me.
I say this to you as much as I remind myself: go through the
grief, forgive yourself (first and foremost) and forgive others who you feel
did you wrong. This doesn’t let them off the hook for what they did. It lets
you off the hook to move forward in your life.
Be sure to take care of yourself during all of this and it
will bring you to what you have probably always wanted all your life, what I
feel like most of us really want – to love and be loved, to give and receive
the truth of love – and that kind of love doesn’t look at all like what we’ve
been shown in fairy tale love. It is more like a historical Agape Love, which
to me means love in all directions – inside, outside, up, down and around.
I will say again, this is true for me.
Who is to say what really is or isn’t true in this world
anymore? The world’s truths, and there are plenty of them, just don’t seem to
fit anymore. We have been bombarded with so many opinions about everything for
such a long time, so many opinions mixed in with conditioning. All that does is
make people numb and when we are numb, we can’t even come close to feeling that
Our inner truth is what counts.
My truth is this – to love and be loved in every space – up,
down, inside, outside and all around. Just like the hummingbird moves through
this planet.
That is what this feels like when we look at that baby, as I
have experienced deeply with my children. Pure True Love.
All I do is remember… remember them, so I can remember me.
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